For a fairer, greener
Telford & Wrekin

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A fairer future for all means:

  • Defend the NHS. Push for proper funding to bring down waiting times and ensure everybody can see a GP & dentist

  • Affordable homes for everyone, in the right place

  • Back an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza

  • Protect our seas and rivers from sewage dumping,
    by bringing water companies back into public hands

  • Defend nature and urgently tackle the climate emergency

Discover how these policies and more can improve your life in Telford & Wrekin:

Why Vote Green
Close the inequality gap.
Let's Make Britain Care Again

Telford & Wrekin Green Party Parliamentary Candidates 2024

John Adams - Telford

John came to live in Shropshire in 1987 to study Agriculture and subsequently worked at Harper Adams University for over 20 years, as a Technician, Research Assistant and then Lecturer, until 2018. In the 2019 general election he represented the Green Party in North Shropshire, where he raised his family, and now lives in Stirchley.

John's Candidate Page
John Adams, Green Party Member and Election Candidate, Telford.

Pat McCarthy - The Wrekin

Pat has lived in Wellington for 25 years, served as a chair of his residents’ association and as a Town Councillor and worked in a variety of community development roles. Pat has been co-ordinator of Telford and Wrekin Green Party for 8 years. He is a Shared Lives carer and volunteers for Wellington ecargo bike delivery scheme.

Pat's Candidate Page
Pat McCarthy