Pat McCarthy

The Wrekin

Pat has lived in Wellington for 25 years, served as a chair of his residents’ association and as a Town Councillor and worked in a variety of community development roles. Pat has been co-ordinator of Telford and Wrekin Green Party for 8 years. He is a Shared Lives carer and volunteers for Wellington eCargo bike delivery scheme.

Contact Pat
Pat McCarthy

Only the Green Party offers a genuine choice, beyond the 'lesser evil', replacing despair with hope for the future.

Hello my name is Pat McCarthy and I’m hoping you’ll vote for me to be your Green Party MP for the Wrekin.

Your vote will only make a difference if the party you vote for will make a difference:

Will that party prevent our NHS collapsing.
Will they stop rent and mortgages rising to unaffordable levels.
Will they stop sewage and dangerous chemicals being dumped into our rivers.
Will they stop the cost of living nightmare.
Will they do anything about our climate chaos.

Candidates from the other parties say they are listening to your concerns but none are prepared to stand up to power and wealth to pay for the solutions.

Only the Green Party has a plan to tax the millionaires and excess profits in order to make the changes that really will make a difference.

If you want real change you know what to do – vote Green!

Ask Pat A Question

As the Green Party candidate for The Wrekin Pat is happy to answer your questions: