Why Vote Green on 4th july 2024?

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The Green Party stands as the beacon of real, meaningful change, committed to addressing the challenges and opportunities in both town and countryside.

The Green Party is dedicated to ensuring that no one gets left behind and that everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Our people-centered policies focus on creating a fair and equitable society where every individual has access to the services and resources they need to live a healthy, secure, and fulfilling life.

Among the many issues we hear about on the doorstep are:

NHS, Health, and Social Care

Defending our NHS and ensuring access to free healthcare is a Green priority. Green MPs in Parliament will advocate for a properly funded NHS to reduce hospital waiting times and make it easier to see GPs and dentists.

Affordability and Availability of Housing

Green MPs will lead the drive for safe, warm homes for everyone. We plan to end the housing crisis by protecting renters through rent controls, ending no-fault evictions, and transforming the planning system to ensure new developments include great community services.

Water Quality – Sewage in the Sea or Pollution in Rivers

Protecting our seas and rivers from sewage dumping by water companies is a priority for the Greens. Other parties offer only half measures, but Green MPs will push to bring water companies back into public hands to stop the harm to our beautiful rivers and coastlines.

Standard of Living

Green MPs will push for immediate measures to address the alarming increase in the cost of living. Practical steps include increasing universal credit by £40 a week and raising the minimum wage to £15 an hour for everyone over 16.

Climate and Nature

Green MPs will keep Labour ambitious on climate action, recognizing how much people value the natural world. We are committed to ensuring access to and protection of nature, leading on our latest climate commitments.

Why We Need Greens In Parliament

With a Labour government looking likely, Green MPs are essential to making that government braver and more ambitious. We need more than minor tweaks to undo the damage of the past; we need real, transformative change. Green MPs will push for credible, practical solutions to everyday issues, ensuring that the new government delivers what people truly need.

Vote Green for Hope and Fairness

The Green Party offers hope for a fairer, more inclusive future. Voting Green means choosing real change over the status quo. It’s about electing leaders who listen, understand, and are ready to take bold actions for the benefit of all. Join us in sending a message that we demand serious change and a brighter future for everyone.

Make your vote count. Choose Green for a better tomorrow.

Would you like to make sure other voters make their vote count too? Find out how you can help promote a fairer, greener Telford & Wrekin

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