John Adams


I am the Green Party parliamentary candidate for Telford. I came to Shropshire in 1987 to study Agriculture and subsequently worked at Harper Adams University for over 20 years, as a Technician, Research Assistant and then Lecturer, until 2018.

Ten years ago I joined the Green Party and in the 2019 general election I represented the Green Party in North Shropshire, where I raised my family. I now live in Stirchley.

Contact Me
John Adams, Green Party Member and Election Candidate, Telford.

If you like Green policies, vote with the courage of your convictions, vote Green for real change on 4th July.

Since its birth over 50 years ago the Green party has always been years ahead of political thinking when it comes to preserving a habitable planet. I believe now is the time for Green Party policies, policies that will improve the lives of the vast majority while effectively addressing the climate crisis.

Our manifesto will provide costed detail of how a fair system of taxation can fund our people-centred policies to fix the crises in the NHS and social care; the cost of living; water quality; housing; and of course the environment and Nature.

We won’t have time to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown unless we make rapid progress during the next Parliament, so we need more Green MPs in Parliament who are not afraid to challenge existing structures of wealth and power that can impede meaningful progress. The strength of Green MPs to convince the next government that transformational policies can pay off politically will depend on significant public support for Green policies being expressed at the ballot box.

If you agree with our policies then you also need the courage to actually vote Green on election day. My big fear is that the Green party is still years ahead of political thinking, but transformational change is coming for better or for worse, and you still have the power to choose, so please choose wisely and vote Green on 4th July.

Ask John A Question

As the Green Party candidate for Telford John is happy to answer your questions: